Clover Group is your technical due diligence partner. We help derisk your investment thesis, increase company long-term value, and increase your return at exit.

Compare tech diligence options

Silver Gold
10 to 12 business days to investor tech debrief
5 day rush option available (additional fee)
What we assess
Engineering and Product leadership
Team structure
Management practices
Development processes
Product architecture and tech stack
Hosting infrastructure
Our diligence process
Investor kickoff meeting
CTO and CPO kickoff meeting
Comprehensive questionnaire
Product demo
Full-day diligence conference
Investor deliverables
"Hot take" update immmediately after the diligence conference
Investor Technology Report

Answers the questions:
- How does this company compare to others?
- Where are they strong?
- Are there any red flags? How can we fix them?
- What can leadership do to increase long-term valuation?

Investor debrief
Target company deliverables
Executive Summary
Top Recommendations
Detailed Findings
Comprehensive Recommendations -- A checklist for "acing" future exit diligence
Post-close debrief with CTO and CPO

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who will be my tech diligence team?

Every project is assigned a lead and a reviewer. The lead is your main point of contact and runs the project. The reviewer assists the lead, providing additional perspective and context. The reviewer reviews all reports and deliverables, ensuring quality and rating consistency.

Internally, all of us at Clover Group collaborate daily and frequently bounce questions and ideas off each other.

Q: What isn't covered by the flat rate?

Our flat rate covers most projects. The most common exception is when a company has more than one product to evaluate, meaning wholly separate products with different underlying technology, not just the same tech with different marketing.

Q: What if we (the investors) need to shoot the deal mid-stream?

It's rare, but we get it. We bill percentage of the full rate based on when the deal is cancelled (e.g., before the demo, before the diligence conference, before writing the final company-facing report).